My name is Carrie and I live in Florida, USA. My three children are the JOY OF MY LIFE as well as our animals, pets, and homestead. We are a Torah Observant family... not religious. We just do our best to follow God / Yah's plan for our lives. My passion is helping others receive God's gift of good health . My personal happy place is in my food forest, planting native plants & fruit trees.
Our health journey has been a long and sometimes very painful one. In 2008, after my 2nd child was born, I developed MRSA infections. I chose to avoid antibiotics because I was breastfeeding my baby. This pushed me into exploring natural remedies. Not only did I heal rapidly, but I found natural solutions for my son's croupy cough and my daughter's rashes & allergies.
Over time I morphed into an incredibly "crunchy" mom! I realized that our culture had lost the basic knowledge of how to raise healthy kids. Many experienced mothers helped me during this time and I wanted to give back what I had received. If other moms could avoid the pain & suffering that we experienced, then our journey wasn't in vain. I became an EC mentor (infant potty training) and a Chapter Leader for the Weston A Price Foundation. I wanted to secure my own family's access to good food and support local farmers.
2017 was an especially difficult time. My mother died 2 days after my 50th birthday. The day I returned from her funeral, my husband left. We were in the beginning stages of an owner-build on a small log cabin in the woods and I had little to no income. Our dream was collapsing and, no matter what I ate or what supplements I took, my health was failing. I wasn't sure I would come out of this alive.
Several friends had been telling me about PEMF therapy (a pulsed electromagnetic field mat) but, as you can imagine, this was the absolute farthest thing from my mind. Then, a very special older woman stepped in and gave me a PEMF mat to try. I'm forever thankful for this friend! Within 30 days, many physical issues resolved. I was able to buy my own mat and, over the next 6 months, my health continued to improve. We've had some very hard moments throughout the last 7 years and the tragedy of divorce is still a daily reality. However, my kids and I survived and , in many ways, we thrived.
Over the years, my understanding of health evolved. I knew that healthy living meant eating MORE of the good foods and LESS of the bad foods. After my healing experience on PEMF therapy, I began to relate my views on food and diet to frequency. If my health was dramatically improved when I added healthy frequencies into my daily routine then what if I had LESS bad frequencies in my life? And, for that matter, what exactly are bad frequencies? And, what about God's plan for frequencies? Quite an epiphany for me! As I reduced our exposure to harmful, non-native EMFs, my kids and I felt better, recovered faster, and enjoyed a much higher resistance to illness.
Today, as a Certified EMF Specialist, I'm helping people change how they think about EMFs. Technology is a great servant but a poor master! I realize everyone is a different place with unique perspectives & beliefs so I want to respect that and meet you where you are. I sponsor educational seminars and have spoken with a variety of groups including families, fellowships, and large assemblies. Let me know how I can help.
Nothing replaces an in-person, certified mitigation.
If I can't find a great, local professional for you, phone consults are a great 2nd choice.